
10/10 - A Very Important Day

I just wanted to take a break from the work, work and more work that has been my life lately to recognize some very important things that take place on October 10th:

For example, did you know that today is Mario Lopez's birthday? He is 35 years old today! Thank you, Mario for filling our early-90's mornings with your mullety-goodness on Saved by the Bell.
Happy Birthday Mario Lopez!

It's also Dale Earnhardt Jr.'s Birthday. In honor of his birthday, you can get super-classy Dale Earnhardt Jr. pewter salt and pepper shakers on sale online for only $18.99! Don't need salt and pepper shakers? You can also get a Dale Earnhardt Jr. ottoman, satellite dish cover, juice box holder, North Carolina state sign, and even a premium dog jersey, all on sale today!

This dog is seriously protesting the indignity of this picture.

Happy Birthday Dale Earnhardt, Jr.!

Did you know that today is also National Cake Decorating Day? In honor of this special day, please visit this hilarious website... but not before you finish reading this post! I mean it! Do not click on that link yet! I promise this post is going somewhere, just be patient...

Hmmmm, what else, what else? Well, the game Twister was introduced 42 years ago today. Also, it is the 10th day of National Squirrel Awareness month. But I know there is something else....

Oh yeah.

Happy 30th Birthday to the best husband evah. Trust me, 30 doesn't feel any different than 29, once you get over the ridiculous notion that your age starts with a "3".
(Yeah, I know this picture is tiny... sorry.)
I know, you have been accused of being five years old. Please don't ever change that. I would be sad if you ever "grew up" and stopped having fun in life. Its one of your greatest features!

I love you.


P.S. If you break any bones playing soccer tonight and you can't help me set up for your party tomorrow you are in biiig trouble. Got it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is a class pic with the guitar. Pink guitar that is!!