
Random thoughts of a half-assed blogger

I should be working right now, but if I actually spent all of the time I should be working actually doing work then I would never do anything but work. Know what I mean?

So, when I last posted on here it was a letter to my beloved Red Sox that I wrote the day before I attended game five of the ALCS in Boston. Of course, they won that game in historic fashion and it was seriously one of the coolest nights of my life. Of course, they blew it in game seven but I have to admit that a teeny-tiny part of me is almost sort of glad because I was honestly considering buying World Series tickets if they won - even if it meant taking out another mortgage. That would not be a very wise economic decision, so I'll just save my pennies and cross my fingers for next year.
My husband, who I love dearly, is downstairs right now sipping on a martini and talking back to the television. I just thought you should know that.

Today is my God-daughter Anna's SIXTH birthday, which is yet another reason for me to feel old. It seems like just yesterday that we were frantically trying to finish painting the border in her nursery before she came home from the hospital. My arms still hurt from that. Happy Birthday, Anna Banana!

I hope that the voters made the right decision yesterday.... I don't usually like to talk about my political beliefs, but I can't help but be hopeful that this change will bring about the turnaround that this country so desperately needs.
I really like rice and beans and diced tomatoes. Really.
I saw three fender-benders on the way home from work this evening, and it was barely sprinkling out. Pay attention when you drive, people!
I made two small tacos for my lunch today using tomatoes, avocado and cheese (delicious) but I dropped one on my shoe so I ended up with one small taco for lunch and one messy shoe.
I'm going to try harder to update this blog on a regular basis. I have a lot to say, just no time to say it!
My sister has a blog now too, and I think it's better than mine. Go check it out!

1 comment:

Kado said...

i'd just like to say that i am not a fan of rice and beans and diced tomatoes. or tacos falling on shoes. but the red socks are okayyy. and that's very classy of ricky.

lol random thoughts for ur random blog.