
Leave Love

****EDIT - 1:27pm on Tuesday, July 15****
I guess only my pie-liking sister reads this blog, but that's ok! Like I said, I write it for my own amusement, so I really don't care. I have to ask, though, if I am writing and no one is reading, does that mean that I am talking to myself? :)


You know what annoys me? People who intentionally solicit comments on their Myspace pages or blogs. You know the type, the people who post a bulletin on Myspace that they have new pictures and then ask their friends to comment or "leave love". It's fine to inform your friends that you've posted 63 new pictures of your drunken night at the bar, but to actually ask people to leave comments about how awesomely hot you look in the 63 pictures of your drunken night of the bar is, well, kinda pathetic. The same goes for blogs. I've actually stopped reading two different blogs because the authors got all snippy when not enough people commented on the author's crappy day at work or how *adorable* their children look in their school pictures.

This blog is a way for me to write down the random thoughts and stories that are tumbling around in my head at any given time. It also gives me something to do while I'm at work during my free time. I don't write for the comments because, frankly, I think I would be disappointed if I did. Plus, I doubt that anything I write actually merits any sort of comment or debate. I am doing this for fun. If you enjoy my stories - welcome! Pull up a chair, grab a snack and check back every now and then for updates. If you think my stories suck well then you can just go pound sand!

With all that being said, I am curious to know whether anyone actually reads this blog (other than a few friends who have mentioned that they read it) or whether I am writing into some barren void of the bloggersphere. (Wow, that was a dorky sentence, wasn't it?) So, just this once, I am asking anyone who reads this post to leave a quick comment. Your comment can be about whatever you want, whether it be "Hi Dames", "this blog sucks" or "I like pie". You can comment anonymously or leave your name, we're all friends here so it doesn't matter either way. After that, feel free to go back into lurkerdom if you wish, because I promise I will never solicit anyone to "leave love" again.



Anonymous said...

I like pie.

Anonymous said...

I read your blogs...not on a daily basis but I do check in about once a week or so!