
My Brain = Mush

Ugh, I have been such a blog slacker, but its not on purpose, I swear!

In the last two weeks, three of the eight people in my office decided to take their vacations all at once, leaving me to deal with way more BS than usual. In fact, the level of BS I have dealt with at work has far exceeded my threshold of how much BS I can take without (A) drinking or (B) punching someone in the face - yet miraculously I've only had a couple of sips of a chocolate martini and everyone in my office still has all of their facial bones in tact (for now). In addition, our database software, which contains oh, only all of the company’s operating data, decided to kick the bucket on the exact day that our entire database/IT department (all two of them) left for vacation. So I was left to deal with the disaster on my own, which was so much fun considering that I am neither a database person nor an IT person. It was great. I love my job.

I've also been insanely busy with my other job, otherwise known as the job in which I deal with The Most Aggravating People on the Planet, but I don't even have the heart to get into that right now. So, basically, my mind has turned to mush and I can barely put together a coherent sentence right now (as you can probably tell). I actually have a couple of posts in the works that I'll try to get up as soon as things get back to normal,* and I'll try to be a better blogger from now on. Thanks for your patience!

*"Normal" being a relative word, of course. As in, I only want to hurl my computer out of the window twice a day as opposed to the four to five times a day I do now.

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